Hey! Hi there! Drugvigil is a pharmacovigilance service provider that operates from two global regions – India and Georgia, with India serving as our headquarters. While our operations in Georgia are limited, we have a highly experienced team of professionals who are renowned for their expertise in managing Individual Case Safety Reports (ICSR). Our primary goal is to address the pain points of our clients by providing effective solutions tailored to meet their specific needs.
Our core specialty lies in ICSR management, although we offer other services as well. We believe that ICSR management is particularly challenging and complex, and many pharmaceutical companies struggle with it. The pandemic has resulted in an increased influx of cases, causing many companies to face backlogs and delayed submissions. This is why we established our operations – to provide round-the-clock assistance to our clients and help them overcome these challenges.
To get in touch with us, please refer to our contact page for all the necessary contact information.
We publish blog posts on a regular basis, with a new article focuses on pharmacovigilance being posted every Friday. We highly recommend that you follow our pages to stay updated on the latest developments in this field and gain practical insights on how to simplify the pharmacovigilance process.