πŸ”— Linking ICSR Cases: A Valid Criteria




This blog covers the following topics:

  1. What is case linking?
  2. Criteria for linking cases
  3. The importance of linking cases


Within safety databases, the feature that is often overlooked, that is case linking.

The case linking is the important section that often unnoticed during case processing.

While many professionals familiar with this feature but doesn’t practice of linking cases.

In this blog, we will demystify the concept of case linking. Exploring the criteria for link case to case. And discuss why it is essential to utilize this feature effectively.

Linking of Cases

Linking of cases is connecting related cases that beyond just involving the same patient.

This process cross-references cases to identify and associate their similarities and connections.

In safety databases, there is typically a dedicated feature for linking cases.

When you identify related cases, you can link them using this functionality.

Once a case linked, the connection reflected in both the end, providing a cohesive view of their relationships.

“Linking and bonding go hand in hand; one connects, the other strengthens, creating a seamless weave of understanding and unity.”

Criteria for Valid Case Linking

Here are the most common criteria for linking cases:

  1. Same Reporter, Multiple Reports: Cases reported by the same individual but involving different instances or patients.
  2. Twin Babies: Where the exposure for the twins.
  3. Same Patient, Different Events or Drugs: Cases that are different events and different suspects. But the same patient
  4. Pregnancy Cases: Cases related to pregnancy, including paternal, maternal, and neonatal reports.
  5. Cases Involving Twins: Reports related to twins, where certain instances case is available.

If you fine one from the above criteria but are not linked. Make sure to connect them to ensure accurate and comprehensive case management.

πŸ“’ Recommendation: I highly recommend in exploring about the nuances of case processing regarding pregnancy cases.

Why Is It Necessary?

For case processors, linking cases is essential for several reasons:

  • Cross-Verification:
    • Verify for potential duplicates
    • Similar events handling of the same issue
  • Prevent Double Submission: Avoid submitting duplicate cases, which can cause and inefficiencies.
  • Future Prevention: Prevent from the occurrence of duplicates. Tomaintaining a well-organized case database.
  • Accurate Record Keeping: Ensure missing sources to existing cases, enhancing completeness of the data.
πŸ“’ Recommendation: I recommend reviewing our article for a detailed overview of the sources, impacts, and challenges involved by duplicates.

Key takeaways

Always cross-check the sections to ensure that the case you are processing has a link to its associated cases.

Always make it a priority to open the linked case and verify any potential duplicates.

Never miss linking If you find a case that has missed.

Linking of cases doesn’t require receipt dates

Finding duplicate links requires deactivation, as this is necessary for maintaining accurate records.


This article aims to clarify which cases should linked together and which should not.

Linking cases is crucial when you identify related cases. Ensure that you don’t overlook this important task.

If you feel that there are any important points we missed or if you have recommendations, please share your thoughts.

Your feedback will help us delve deeper and improve our understanding of case linking.

Disclaimer: We write this blog based on our experience and extensive knowledge, supported by references. Please note that we are not responsible for the content on the referenced websites. If you come across any misinformation or misguidance or spelling mistakes, kindly inform us promptly.

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Meet Bala, the founder of Drugvigil, a service provider specializing in pharmacovigilance. He’s not only an expert in this field, but also a passionate entrepreneur who enjoys creating new opportunities and helping others grow. Despite starting from scratch, he’s determined to develop his company from the ground up. If you’re interested in his work, be sure to show your support and share his message with others.

Just a fancy image. www.drugvigil.com


One response to “πŸ”— Linking ICSR Cases: A Valid Criteria”

  1. […] πŸ“’ Recommendations: I recommend two of our existing articles that closely relate to this topic. First, there’s a step-by-step guide on the booking process in case management. Secondly, check out our comprehensive guide on linking cases within case processing. […]

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