࿔ Digital vs Electronic Signatures: Differences


This blog highlights:

  1. The distinction between digital and electronic signatures.
  2. Applications in two distinct scenarios.
  3. Efficient and free tools for carrying out these tasks.


Digital signatures and electronic signatures are indispensable tools. To efficiently processing in documents, meeting the essential needs of every business. So here we discuss in detail the differences.

This blog aims to clarify the differences between digital and electronic signatures.

In today’s context, where agreements between parties are increasingly necessary, understanding these signatures is crucial.

This blog will provide insights into both types of signatures and guide you on how to use these tools effectively and at no additional cost.

Digital vs. Electronic Signatures

Although often considered the same. Digital and electronic signatures serve distinct purposes. Each enhancing the efficiency of document processes in unique ways.

Digital Signature:

Digital signatures use cryptographic techniques. By incorporating a unique secret key within the document to ensure:

  • Integrity
  • Non-repudiation
  • Authenticity

The encrypted digital footprint using algorithms like:

  • DSA: Digital Signature Standard algorithm
  • RSA: Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) algorithm

“Signatures in business are not just marks on paper; they are symbols of trust, commitment, and the foundation upon which agreements are built.”


Encryption involves two types of keys to sign the document. Generating a cryptographic signature known as the digital footprint.

This signature serves the purpose of

  • Detecting any fraudulent activity
  • Alterations made between parties
  • Delegated signatories.

In simpler terms, it detects any changes made between the involved parties. By acting as a safeguard against unauthorized alterations.

Digital signatures provide a robust level of security and hold legal validity in many jurisdictions.

Electronic Signature:

An electronic signature refers to a visible representation of a signature. It means creating electronic methods on electronic documents.

This could involve:

  • Typing your name
  • Drawing your signature
  • Checking a box
  • Even attaching a scanned image of your signature
📢 Recommendations: If you’re interested in similar recommendations for tools that enhance business efficiency, check out our blogs, We list optimal cost-cutting tools for businesses, and secondly, interested in setting up server in cloud environment.

The primary purpose of an electronic signature is to signify consent or approval of a document. However, unlike digital signatures, electronic signatures lack a certain level of security and authentication.

They are primarily used for facilitating agreements and document signing processes.

Recommended Tools

ToolsType of SourcePricing modelUse caseSecurity
Adobe AcrobatClosed-source proprietaryApplicableElectronic signatureThis tool is solely designed for creating visible signatures without any security features.
DocusignClosed-source proprietaryApplicableElectronic Signature with digital algorithm with high end securityThis advanced tool is tailored for creating signatures with robust security and confidentiality measures, specifically for enterprise-level agreement purposes.
Open Sign LabsOpen sourceApplicable/ free and Fair price compared to DocusignElectronic Signature with high end security and digital algorithmThis advanced tool is tailored for creating signatures with robust security and confidentiality measures, specifically for enterprise-level agreement purposes.
LibresignOpen sourceApplicable/ free and Fair price compared to DocusignElectronic Signature with high end security and digital algorithmThis advanced tool is tailored for creating signatures with robust security and confidentiality measures, specifically for enterprise-level agreement purposes.
GnuPGOpen sourceFreeDigital signature and encryption with high end securityA top-tier security solution, exclusively designed for digital signature implementation, meeting enterprise-grade standards.
DocusealOpen-sourceFree and PaidElectronic signature for business purposesYou can host your own, it is integrated with zapier automation and you can accept payments through its gateway

  • Adobe: No cryptographic security
  • Docusign: Has a security and popular options available in the market
  • Open sign labs: (An open source alternative to Docusign)
  • Libresign: (An open source alternative to Docusign)
  • GnuPG: Open source digital signature tool
  • Docuseal: (An open source alternative to Docusign)

Key Takeaways

  • Electronic signatures and digital signatures have distinct differences.
  • Digital signatures uses high-security cryptographic algorithms to detect fraudulent activities.
  • Digital signatures hold legal validity many jurisdictions.
  • Electronic signatures, while lacking robust security. But enhance its authenticity with integration of cryptographic algorithms (digital) for increased security.


In this technology-focused article, we’ve explored another essential tool crucial for document creation and agreements. Definitely, you’ve gained clarity and distinguished between two commonly confused concepts.

If there’s anything specific we may have overlooked in our discussion, don’t hesitate to share your recommendations.

Your input is valuable for improving our content.

Disclaimer: We write this blog based on our experience and extensive knowledge, supported by references. Please note that we are not responsible for the content on the referenced websites. If you come across any misinformation or misguidance or spelling mistakes, kindly inform us promptly.

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Meet Bala, the founder of Drugvigil, a service provider specializing in pharmacovigilance. He’s not only an expert in this field, but also a passionate entrepreneur who enjoys creating new opportunities and helping others grow. Despite starting from scratch, he’s determined to develop his company from the ground up. If you’re interested in his work, be sure to show your support and share his message with others.

Just a fancy image. www.drugvigil.com


One response to “࿔ Digital vs Electronic Signatures: Differences”

  1. […] 📢 I recommend reviewing our article on the use of this tool to gain clarity on the differences between a digital signature and an electronic signature. […]

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