➰ A Newcomer’s Guide to ICSR Case Processing Workflow


This blog provides valuable insights into:

  1. Beginner’s guide to case processing
  2. Case processing workflow with references
  3. Workflow diagram

📢 Notification: While perusing this blog, we also provide a complimentary checklist to enhance your ICSR case processing. Feel free to access it while navigating through the content.


Standard processes are commonly followed in the case processing of Individual Case Safety Reports (ICSRs), which is a widespread practice in the field. In this blog, we will explore an outline of the processes involved in ICSR processing.

📢 Recommendations: If you are new to ICSR, you can refer to our previous blogs where we discussed the Fundamentals of ICSR in pharmacovigilance and explore the dedicated category on our page titled ICSR Management.

As we all aware, ICSR forms the foundation of all activities in pharmacovigilance.

Crucial Phases in Case Handling

The subsequent sequence outlines the typical steps in the processing of ICSR along with the responsible teams:

  1. Case intake: Safety data Book-in team (To learn more…)
  2. Triage: Safety data Book-in team/ Medical review (To learn more…)
  3. Book-in: Safety data Book-in team (To learn more…)
  4. Data entry/ case processing: Case processor/ Date entry associate (To learn more…)
  5. Quality review: Quality Reviewer (To learn more…)
  6. Medical review: Medical Reviewer (To learn more…)
  7. Routing/ Submission: Medical Reviewer/ Case processor/ Date entry associate (To learn more…)

For a deeper look into each process, check out our previous blogs in the highlighted list above, each dedicated to a specific topic.

“Beginnings are not just starting points; they are the seeds of transformation, the genesis of progress. Embrace the beauty of the journey, for within the process of beginnings, the potential for growth and success unfolds.”

Case creation

Case creation is a comprehensive workflow involving a collective series of actions, including case intake, triage, and book-in. After successfully passing through these three stages, the case proceeds to the subsequent phase of coding events and relevant details.

In the context of case management, “case intake” refers to the initial step of permitting cases to enter your workflow. This particular task may be carried out by a dedicated team within your company if such a team exists.

For your easy understanding, please refer the following flowchart, which illustrates the entire process of case creation.

ICSR process workflow

After successfully creating the case through the aforementioned filtering process, the subsequent step involves initiating the coding of safety data in the corresponding Pharmacovigilance database.

We have dedicated sections for each topic. To delve deeper into each topic, simply click on the relevant links listed above.

Download our freebie

Version: 1.0

For beginners seeking to enhance their processes with high-quality standards, feel free to download our ICSR Quality Checklist. It’s designed to support your journey and elevate your approach. Get your copy now!

To enhance simplicity and facilitate easy comprehension, we have attached a flow chart that explains the outline of the case processing workflow.

Please find the file below, which provides a visual representation of the steps involved in the case processing workflow.

📢 Recommendation: Since you’re exploring the ICSR process flow, to learn deeper into its significance in pharmacovigilance. You might be curious about why ICSR holds greater importance in pharmacovigilance.


This blog serves as a comprehensive overview, showcasing the graph-view of the ICSR case processing journey. It consolidates and illustrates the entire process, drawing from the collective wisdom shared in our previous blog editions.

Hopefully, While this workflow aligns with common industry practices, if you have any suggestions for enhancing its effectiveness,

“Feel free to leave your thoughts as comments below.”


What is ICSR case processing?

ICSR stands for Individual Case Safety Reports, refers to the systematic handling and evaluation of safety reports related to individual cases of adverse events or reactions associated with pharmaceutical products, medical devices, or other healthcare interventions. Click here to know more.

What is ICSR case creation?

Case creation is a comprehensive workflow involving a collective series of actions, including case intake, triage, and book-in.

What are the important workflows of ICSR case processing?

1. Triage and Book-in
2. Complete data entry
3. Quality review
4. Medical review
5. Case routing

What is the entry level position in pharmacovigilance?

For most healthcare professionals (excluding physicians), the entry-level position in pharmacovigilance is typically a case processor. In some cases, physicians also start at the entry level as case processors.

Disclaimer: We write this blog based on our experience and extensive knowledge, supported by references. Please note that we are not responsible for the content on the referenced websites. If you come across any misinformation or misguidance or spelling mistakes, kindly inform us promptly.

Bala Avatar

Meet Bala, the founder of Drugvigil, a service provider specializing in pharmacovigilance. He’s not only an expert in this field, but also a passionate entrepreneur who enjoys creating new opportunities and helping others grow. Despite starting from scratch, he’s determined to develop his company from the ground up. If you’re interested in his work, be sure to show your support and share his message with others.

Just a fancy image. www.drugvigil.com


3 responses to “➰ A Newcomer’s Guide to ICSR Case Processing Workflow”

  1. […] Recommendations: I recommend checking our specific blog post on the valid criteria of ICSR and entire ICSR case processing workflow map and exploring what aspects of the case do not meet the valid […]

  2. […] Check it out, If you’re interested in exploring the entire workflow of ICSR case processing. […]

  3. […] 📢 Recommendation: If you are a beginner and unsure about the workflow of case processing, check out this blog explaining the case processing workflow for Individual Case Safety Reports (iCSR). […]

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