Pharmacovigilance – The Basics




This enlightening blog elaborates on:

  1. A Brief Account of My Introduction to Pharmacovigilance
  2. Defining Pharmacovigilance
  3. The Steps of the Process to Follow Within Pharmacovigilance Throughout.

Awareness to pharmacovigilance

If you’re a healthcare professional, often you’ve come across the term “Pharmacovigilance“. However, during my time studying bachelors in pharmacy, I was completely unaware of this profession until I pursued my Master’s degree.

From there, my journey into pharmacovigilance began, and now I’ve evolved into an entrepreneur, establishing my own pharmacovigilance service provider.

Recently, i see pharmacovigilance has gained significant popularity among healthcare professionals.

So Let’s dive in!

What is Pharmacovigilance?

The term “Pharmacovigilance” was first proposed in 1970s, has gradually gained traction to become one of the two common terms of art for the overall discipline, the other, older term being β€œdrug safety.”

πŸ“’ Recommendations: Before we continue, I suggest reading two articles. The first explains the difference between Drug Safety and Pharmacovigilance. The second discusses about our entrepreneur journey. It will help you understand the topic better.

Etymology of the word:

The word Pharmacy is derived from the french word Farmacie, and directly from the Medieval Latin word pharmacia, from Greek pharmakeia “a healing or harmful medicine, a healing or poisonous herb.

The word Vigilance was first recorded in 1560–70; alteration (-ance for -ancy) of obsolete vigilancy, from Latin vigilantia; see vigilant, -ancy.

Why does Pharmacovigilance Matter?

Pharmacovigilance is an essential aspect of drug surveillance that is crucial to the field of pharmaceutical drug research.

Before a drug is approved for market, it undergoes clinical trials and research to determine its safety and effectiveness.

However, incidents like the thalidomide tragedy have shown that monitoring must continue even after a drug has been introduced to the market.

πŸ“’ Recommendation: I recommend checking out one of our existing blogs where we discuss everything you need to know about pharmacovigilance in a concise and informative manner.

Considering Patient Safety

Post-Marketing Surveillance (PMS) is the process of monitoring a drug’s safety and effectiveness once it has been approved and made available to the public.

Patient safety is of utmost importance, as every drug has potential side effects, and it’s important to determine the severity and potential for new effects.

This surveillance is continuous and ongoing for as long as the drug remains on the market, and it’s also beneficial for pharmaceutical companies to maintain their business and reputation.

Ultimately, pharmacovigilance is vital in safeguarding the safety and well-being of patients by determining the risk and benefit analysis of every drug available in the market.

Pharmacovigilance Processes to Follow

The pharmacovigilance process follows 5 steps mainly:

  1. Collection
  2. Detection
  3. Assessment
  4. Monitoring
  5. Prevention


Pharmacovigilance starts with the collection of data from the sources of reporting of events to the center of two variations solicited and unsolicited reporting.

Solicited are the reports from the designated data centers from the study, in otherwise unsolicited are spontaneous reports.


The second stage is to detect the events and confirm sources are valid. So here is the stage to triage the cases. Aftermath the valid cases are going forward to the next stage of assessment.


Assessment is the very important stage of this process to assess whether the event does it have any causal relationship to the drug. This part done mostly by medics. Because some cases should upgrade to serious based on conditions decided by medics.

πŸ“’ Recommendations: I recommend checking out our existing blogs where we specifically discuss assessments within pharmacovigilance. Firstly, we explain how to differentiate between a patient’s medical history and adverse events, explore the process of causality evaluation, and discussions into the criteria for causality assessment.


It involves data analysis and focuses more on risk management and signal detection. Professionals in this area can assist in the creation and review of reports relating to safety updates for drugs in clinical research and periodic risk-benefit evaluation reports.


And finally, the importance of the pharmacovigilance process is to prevent people from disastrous events.


Many of us may think of how the future will be if we pursue pharmacovigilance as a career.

Many of my LinkedIn connections pinged me personally and asked for advice. I would say from my personal experience every field has its own ups and downs, it is everything about your skills.

So don’t worry just concentrate on developing your skills whatever your profession is. As for my concern, pharmacovigilance has a good future.

So good luck guys!

  1. WHO-UMC
  2. Clinical therapeutics

Define pharmacovigilance

Pharmacovigilance is otherwise called Drug safety. It is primarily mind with safety concern of a drug with its action of collection, detection, assessment, monitoring and prevention.

What are the 5 steps of process to follow in pharmacovigilance?

1. Collection
2. Detection
3. Assessment
4. Monitoring
5. Prevention

What is the ultimate goal of pharmacovigilance?

Enhancing patient safety involves assessing and analyzing the benefits and risks of a drug to ensure its safe use.

Disclaimer: We write this blog based on our experience and extensive knowledge, supported by references. Please note that we are not responsible for the content on the referenced websites. If you come across any misinformation or misguidance or spelling mistakes, kindly inform us promptly.

Bala Avatar

Meet Bala, the founder of Drugvigil, a service provider specializing in pharmacovigilance. He’s not only an expert in this field, but also a passionate entrepreneur who enjoys creating new opportunities and helping others grow. Despite starting from scratch, he’s determined to develop his company from the ground up. If you’re interested in his work, be sure to show your support and share his message with others.

Just a fancy image.


17 responses to “Pharmacovigilance – The Basics”

  1. […] pharmacovigilance refers to the collection, monitoring, and analysis of the safety of drugs once it will approve and go to […]

  2. […] Pharmacovigilance is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the science and activities involved in detecting, evaluating, understanding, and preventing adverse reactions or any other medicine-related problems. Its scope has evolved to incorporate a systems-based approach to monitor and improve the safe use of medicines. Simply put, pharmacovigilance involves monitoring the safety of medicines and taking necessary actions to reduce… […]

  3. […] of clinical and administrative settings. These databases are used for research purposes, such as assessing healthcare quality, evaluating diagnosis and treatment, analyzing health policy, and investigating […]

  4. […] Intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionise pharmacovigilance by helping to reduce the burden on human resources and improving the efficiency of the process. […]

  5. […] However, none of these systems have demonstrated the ability to provide precise and reliable quantitative estimations of the likelihood of a relationship. Despite this limitation, causality assessment has become a common and essential practice in pharmacovigilance. […]

  6. […] Expedited safety reports, also known as expedited adverse event reports or expedited case reports, are an integral part of pharmacovigilance, the science and activities related to monitoring and assessing the safety of medical products, particularly pharmaceutical drug…. […]

  7. […] To gain a comprehensive understanding of the pharmacovigilance process read our articles such as the basics and the definition about the clear difference of Drug safety and […]

  8. […] Expedited safety reports, also known as expedited adverse event reports or expedited case reports, are an integral part of pharmacovigilance, the science and activities related to monitoring and assessing the safety of medical products, particularly pharmaceutical drug…. […]

  9. […] going forward deeply in to know about the quality checks, If you’d like to explore the fundamentals of Pharmacovigilance and gain insights into ICSR basics, simply click on the highlighted […]

  10. […] Within this blog, I suggest taking a moment to explore our previous content, where we cover the fundamentals of pharmacovigilance and delve into the nuances between adverse reactions and adverse […]

  11. […] we get into the nitty-gritty details, we recommend checking out our previous articles where we explain the basics of pharmacovigilance. This basic understanding will give you a good foundation for our discussion. Let’s start […]

  12. […] To gain a comprehensive understanding of the pharmacovigilance process read our articles such as the basics and the definition about the clear difference of Drug safety and […]

  13. […] πŸŽ‡ Recommendation: As we delve into the extensive conversation on pharmacovigilance, it’s essential to ensure a comprehensive understanding of its fundamentals. I recommend starting by familiarizing yourself with the basics of pharmacovigilance to fully appreciate and engage in the discussion. […]

  14. […] pharmacovigilance refers to the collection, monitoring, and analysis of the safety of drugs once it will approve and go to […]

  15. […] of our existing blogs as prerequisites before delving into this topic. You may wish to read about the basic of pharmacovigilance first, followed by the fundamentals of ICSR […]

  16. […] Recommendations: Click the highlighhted to explore how these above components impact in pharmacovigilance and moreover the updates on authorities we have a sophisticated category to […]

  17. […] In the context of our discussion on benefits and risks within pharmacovigilance, I suggest exploring the fundamentals of pharmacovigilance here and deriving about Risk-Management Plan in […]

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